Saudi Arabia Offers Billion Dollar Opportunity for Halal Cosmetics Products

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Saudi Arabia Offers Billion Dollar Opportunity for Halal Cosmetics Products

Saudi Arabia Offers Billion Dollar Opportunity for Halal Cosmetics Products

Cosmetics market in Saudi Arabia is witnessing a new drift towards the increasing demand of Halal certified cosmetics products.


Saudi Arabia has emerged as one of exceptionally attractive market for cosmetic companies to introduce their new products as it is one of the largest beauty markets in the world and is endorsed by affluent clientele. The demographic variety of consumers that are spread within the Saudi Arabia translates into a diverse market that allows companies to offer variety of product across varied price spectrum. While the market for luxury products has a large clientele in the Saudi Arabia, there is also a strong market for regular, value-for-money product lines. Although the cosmetics market is dominated by women’s products, spending by men is also on the rise.

Cosmetics market in Saudi Arabia is witnessing a new drift towards the increasing demand of Halal certified cosmetics products. The exponentially increasing preference for Halal cosmetics products has led to change in the business strategy of the local as well as international companies present in the market. Companies are now changing their product assortment in order to accommodate the growing demand for Halal cosmetics products due to transition in the customer preference for Halal products.

Halal certification and acceptance of Halal products had been widespread in the hospitality, food, packaging, banking and finance industries in the Middle East and specifically in the Saudi Arabia and UAE. In the food sector, Halal consciousness is especially high among consumers as well as the governments. However, the demand for Halal cosmetics and beauty products is not as strong. With increasing consumer awareness and a willingness to pay for quality products, the scenario is changing, thereby transforming the cosmetics and personal care industry into a potential sunrise segment for the region.

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halal cosmetics

Diëtist Mariam
Diëtist Mariam
Mijn naam is Mariam Aaras en heb deze website gemaakt door en voor jullie om zoveel mogelijk informatie te bieden daar waar veel vragen, discussie en behoefte naar was. Dieetadviezen vanuit de Nederlandse keuken, maar ook rekening houdend met de halalrichtlijnen die moslims hanteren. Daarnaast heb ik een brede interesse in de multiculturele keukens. Zelf ben ik een dubbelbloedje van Marokkaanse en Nederlandse komaf wat mij rijk heeft gemaakt aan voedingskennis. Het is de granaatappel waarmee mijn vader me heeft geïnspireerd om de genezende werking van fruit te gaan onderzoeken en de vijgenboom van mijn opa in Marokko. Mijn moeder heeft me de gezondheidseffecten van boerenkoolstampot en erwtensoep geleerd met een halaltintje. Je bent wat je eet en gezond eten begint bij kennis. Voeding brengt mensen bij elkaar en de verscheidenheid aan culturen is een rijkdom want na zoveel jaren ben ik nog steeds niet uitgeleerd. Voeding mijn levenspassie en help er graag anderen mee om er van te genieten en gezonder van te worden.

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